Intensive consultations with regional authorities and with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine are underway. This is the first stage of the work on preparing regional action plans for reforming vocational education – the work performed by Solidarity Fund PL under the Polish component of the “EU4Skills” Programme.
There are also other tasks under the Solidarity Fund PL component which have reached advanced stage already:
- Assisting the reform of national funding mechanisms of vocational education.
- Helping to improve responsiveness of vocational schools’ services to labour market needs by conducting skill needs assessments and forecasting analysis.
- Introduction of career guidance services in Ukrainian schools (including training of vocational counselors who will later work with students).
“EU4Skills” is a multi-annual programme aimed at modernization of vocational education in Ukraine funded by the EU, Germany, Finland and Poland. It is implemented by GIZ in co-operation with organizations from co-funding Member States.