EU4Skills Programme

Solidarity Fund > What we do > Education > EU4Skills Programme


Location: Kyiv and seven oblasts: Lviv, Rivne, Vinnytsia, Chernivtsi, Mykolaiv, Poltava, and Zaporizhia 

Programme component value: 2 500 000 euro 


European Union

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland 




Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) 


The goal of the “EU4Skills: Better Skills for Modern Ukraine” Programme (EU4Skills) is to reform the vocational education system in Ukraine, modernise it, adjust professional standards to EU requirements, and to link vocational education with labour market.

EU4Skills promotes modern forms of teaching and learning. The programme also fosters the development of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and a total of a hundred new, professional standards-based qualifications, along with a corresponding curriculum. The creation of new teaching and learning materials, as well as courses for teachers and trainers, will increase the quality of vocational education and training.

EU4Skills will also secure technical support and capacities development on national (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Qualification Agency, etc.), regional (e.g. the Departments of Education and Science of the oblast state administration), and regional levels (education service providers and companies offering apprenticeships).

Solidarity Fund PL is responsible for the implementation of the Polish set of actions, which includes, among other things:

• creating and developing labour market intelligence system;
• establishing regional action plans for vocational education;
• creating and implementing careers counselling in Ukraine;
• creating an optimised, multi-channel VET funding mechanism;
• streamlining multi-annual planning of VET budget;
• facilitating budget programming systems.

EU4Skills Programme is financed by the European Union (EUR 21.5M) with additional contribution from the ministries of foreign affairs of Germany (EUR 2M), Estonia (EUR 500K), Finland (EUR 2M), and Poland (EUR 1M). The infrastructural component, representing a separate action, is financed by the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).


Find out more about EU4Skills here



EU4skills: An information platform on labour market needs has been developed in Ukraine

EU4skills Programme. We have launched the graduate tracer survey in 7 regions of Ukraine

EU4Skills Consultations in Ukraine are Underway

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