Polish Solidarity Fund (FSM) is a State Treasury Foundation under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. The organisation carries out development cooperation activities for the benefit of other countries. It focuses on support for democratic transition, development of civil society, principles of good governance, local development, support for economic and systemic transformation, and access to information and respect for human rights.
FSM’s main areas of activity are the Eastern Partnership countries, particularly Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, where the FSM has its branch offices, but also Armenia and support for Belarusian society. In the past, FSM has funded Polish NGO projects in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tunisia and Myanmar.
Since 2023 FSM has a Pillar Assessment from the European Commission, which authorises the organisation to implement projects with EU funds. It also serves as the Polish contact point for international election observation missions within the OSCE.
FSM’s activities are financed from Polish development cooperation funds at the disposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including for the organisation of calls for projects for Polish institutions. Additionally, for the implementation of its own projects, the FSM receives funds from other donors as well, including the European Union.
The Council of FSM is composed of deputies and senators and other persons with experience in the field of development cooperation. It is chaired by the Undersecretary for Development Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is also the National Coordinator for Development Cooperation. The Chairman and members of the Council are appointed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The day-to-day activities of the organisation are managed by the President of the Board appointed for a three-year term by the Minister of Foreign Affairs after consultation with the Council. FSM submits an annual report on its activities to the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs. The Minister of Foreign Affairs may, under the Development Cooperation Act 2011, commission the FSM to carry out development assistance tasks. In pursuing its objectives, FSM cooperates with Polish and foreign public administration bodies, local government units, non-governmental organisations and entrepreneurs.
The organisation was established in 1997 on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Poland, who is its honorary patron. In the first years of its existence – as the Polish Foundation for Market Transformation Know-How – it focused on providing assistance to countries undergoing market transformation, including projects for Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Georgia. A number of publications on the Polish transition experience were published at that time. In 2002, the organisation changed its name to the Polish Foundation for International Cooperation ‘Know How’. It’s activities were suspended in 2005.
In 2011, in connection with Poland’s growing involvement in development cooperation and the need to support democratic transitions in other countries, the Minister of Foreign Affairs decided to reactivate the organisation and include it in the Development Cooperation Act.
Since 2012 the organisation has been sending the Polish observers as part of OSCE/ODIHR election observation missions.
In 2013 its first branch office abroad was opened in Chisinau, followed by Kyiv and Tbilisi in 2019.
In 2023, Polish Solidarity Fund received a Pillar Assessment from the European Commission, gaining the possibility to implement projects with EU funds.
The FSM logo is that of the first Polish EU Presidency in 2011.