Call for Service: International expertfor mapping the EE intervention potential in streetlighting and kindergartenbuildings
Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia is looking for a qualified international expert in the field of Energy Efficiency:
–to provide technical assistance and share the Polish practice („know–how“)toa Local Expert in terms of simplified street lighting inventory fordevelopment ofa trainingmethodologyand training materialsdesigned for local officials involved into inventoryprocess;provide foranalyzinggathered data based onthe previously defined methodology;
–to develop anintervention potentialfor kindergarten buildings and to estimate the potential savings and expenditures by means ofapplicationofthe already adopted „optimal“ energy packages toselect kindergartens forinvestment implementationin selected 10LSG units of Georgiathrough the adopted energy audit replications. The service shall include engagementin this process of the relevant officials from those selected LSGs alongwith recruited studentswith the helpof (online)trainings and practical workshopsto create a list of potential investmentsinto theshortlisted kindergartens.
The maximum value of the offer is PLN50,000.