
Fundacja Solidarności Międzynarodowej > Aktualności > Call for Service: International expert in the field of Energy Efficiency

Call for Service: International expert in the field of Energy Efficiency


Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia is looking for a qualified international expert in the field of Energy Efficiency in order to provide the following services:

– to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of optimal energy packages for all kindergartens in 10 Georgian LSGs and make recommendation to select proper LSGs in which the solutions will cover a significant number of kindergartens.

– to develop a technical documentations for the selected EE optimal solutions in the form of a workshop, for the members of the kindergarten association and public procurement specialists in the selected LSG and present possible financial instruments to municipalities to be able to receive fundings in energy efficiency field.

– to conduct a workshop for 20 representatives of the kindergarten’s association on monitoring electricity consumption, teach them how to use (taking data and analyzing) newly installed meters (so-called smart meters), and explain the procedure of gathering savings with the energy supplier.

The maximum value of the offer is PLN 30,000.

For the detailed information please follow the link.

The application must be submitted by the 19th of September 2024 at 18:00 Warsaw time (GMT+2) to the address: georgiarep@solidarityfund.pl
Questions regarding the call for proposals shall be directed to the abovementioned email before the expiration of the deadline.

List of application documents to be downloaded and filled out:

– Application Form – download.

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