School for Leaders Association (Poland) in cooperation with European Dialogue Society (Ukraine), Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy – Georgia Representation (Georgia), National Youth Council of Moldova – CNTM (Republic of Moldova), and Positive Change Movement (Azerbaijan) are implementing the 2nd edition of School for Political Leaders of the Eastern Partnership 2014.
The main aim of the programme is to support the development of civil society in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Azerbaijan in the area of social capital building, essential in the process of democratic change, as well as to initiate long-term cooperation between organizations/institutions in the participating countries and in Poland.
The programme will consist of two modules. The first module will take place in Kyiv, Ukraine, 27 July – 2 August 2014. The second module will take place in Warsaw, Poland, 21-27 September 2014. Between the modules participants will work on common opinion-making initiatives.
If you are supporting the processes of good governance in your country, if you want to develop your leadership skills and have 20-35 years old, this programme is for you!
The call for participants from Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan is open till the 30th of May 2014!
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The program is being realized under the honorary patronage of Radosław Sikorski, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland and co-financed by the “Support for Democracy” Polish development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.